About customer reviews

You can submit public reviews for items listed on ysla.it. We encourage you to share your opinions, both favorable and unfavorable.

Customer Reviews are meant to give customers genuine product feedback from fellow shoppers. Our goal is to capture all the energy and enthusiasm (both favorable and critical) that customers have about a product while avoiding use of reviews to outright advertise, promote and especially mislead. Customer Reviews help customers learn more about the product or genre, hear the reasons behind your star rating, and ultimately decide if this is the right product for them or not.

here are a few examples of reviews that we don't allow:

  • A shopper, unhappy with her purchase, posts multiple negative reviews for the same product.
  • A customer posts a review in exchange for money.
  • A customer posts a review of an other product manufacturer

Share your thoughts with other customers by submitting a review..

Important: It is not necessary to have purchased an article on ysla.it to review it. In order to publish a review, you simply need to be the owner of a ysla.it account. After sending the review, it will be reviewed by our moderators and then posted online.

To submit a review:

  1. Go to the product detail page for the item on ysla.it.
  2. Click su Write a customer review in the Customer Reviews section below the product description.
  3. Fill all the required fields
  4. Click Send.

Warning: The entered reviews cannot be changed in the future. For any questions contact the customer service.